Fear Not - Unbelieving Bosses

Scripture Reading - 2 Kings 25:24 KJV

And Gedaliah sware to them, and to their men, and said unto them, Fear not to be the servants of the Chaldees: dwell in the land, and serve the king of Babylon; and it shall be well with you.

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we will continue in our “Fear Not” series. In a previous lesson we highlighted the fact that worry comes from fear. If we can remove the fear from the situation, event, circumstance, sickness, government, leadership, person, etc. . . we will also remove the worry associated with that fear. Thank God through Jesus Christ we can remove the fear. According 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love but perfect (mature, sincere, pure, untainted, developed) love casts out fear.” In another previous lesson we mentioned that we don’t need to fear protection primarily for two reasons: one - God is always with us and two - The Lord’s ministering spirits known as the angels of God are encamped round about us continuously. The key is knowing divine help is always available and acknowledging God in all our ways so He can direct our paths. In a previous lesson we looked at not fearing a lack of provision because you are a child of God. Yes, your Heavenly Father greatly delights in you because He loves you so much. His desire is to not only feed you naturally but His Will is that you are well fed both spiritually and physically having more than what you need for that specific meal. In another previous lesson we discussed not fearing the curse(s) of the Law because The Blessing(s) of God are promised to the children of God. Yes, in Christ Jesus we are redeemed from the curses of the Law. The Blessing is twofold: 1) - We inherited all The Blessings of the Law as children of God while at the same time 2) - We were (and are) promised complete deliverance from all the curses of the Law, so there is no need to fear. We also shared about not fearing relocation because God is with us and we can communicate with God anything and everything that concerns us. In these times of trouble and conflict we are blood covered, therefore we should not fear war. This means even the threat of war should not make us afraid because we have God with us individually before, during and after war. We then looked at not fearing your enemies which could be someone in your own family or someone at work on your job or maybe a neighbor who really doesn’t like you, etc . . . The key is knowing how to treat them while keeping a positive attitude so that they can’t steal your joy. We also spoke about not fearing your assignment (career, calling, ministry, occupation, project, etc. . .) which basically means pray about the task at hand looking for God’s guidance. Allow The Good Lord to help you by ordering your steps such that His Will is done then you can guarantee success because the work is pleasing to God which pleases your heart and gains you favor with both God and man. In a previous lesson we taught on “Not Fearing” False God’s because the True Living God we know is One and He Is All Powerful, All Mighty and Greater than any spirit or man living in Our God’s Universe. No need to fear what God, our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ has already defeated. Remember greater is He that is in me then those that are in the world. In today’s lesson we will highlight not fearing “unbelieving bosses”. This would include bad bosses, mean bosses and even believing bosses that are too demanding and act like the ungodly. We know there is no need to fear good bosses but the problem is good bosses are the minority while demanding temperamental bosses are the majority right now across the face of the earth. This is because wide is the road to Hell but narrow is the path to salvation. Notice that we said unbelieving bosses (plural) because in most secular jobs you will have more than one boss because the majority of the bosses you work under have a boss they work under too and they most likely work under a cooperate boss. Gedaliah was the new governor of Judah appointed by the king of Babylon, therefore he worked under the king of Babylon. The “word worked under” is emphasized so we understand we are taught and trained to submit to our boss, even (especially) during times we don’t agree with them. They do have some authority over us when it comes to the organization of the company or the kingdom. The reason we entitle this lesson “unbelieving bosses” is because we want to highlight the fact that all people need to be saved which means the people who are born again have a new heart and that new heart seeks to please God. This new heart will try it’s best to mimic God, thus making the individual a more godly influence which is God’s Will for man on the Earth continuing unto Heaven. God’s Will is such that He wants His Born Again children living such a godly life that they become a major influence to all those around them so that they would want God in their life too. This is why each Christian should know how to lead a person unto the Lord Jesus Christ and encourage them to join a good church. If they don’t know how to lead an unsaved person unto the Lord they should know a good church they can recommend that does know exactly how to lead a person(s) unto our Precious Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing first and foremost that your godly purpose at work is to be godly by showing all other workers including your boss that Christian workers are operating on a higher level because we work under men but believers work for the Lord Jesus and we work unto Jesus not unto ourselves or even our boss. These principles are taught in the scripture to give the child of God a proper perspective of the big picture so they can keep a positive attitude while performing their many duties at work. When we work for God we concentrate on doing all things God’s Way which basically means working in the power of the fruit of the spirit (Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance) and being truthful (honest). If other workers see you being meek (teachable) with the boss they will take notice. Likewise, if your boss sees you being long-suffering with other workers he/she will take notice. If your supervisor knows you are a good worker that listens to his instructions he will think of promoting you into a leadership position simply because you represent him and the company well. While the truth is you are representing God well, therefore the favor of the Lord is upon you whenever you walk in the fruit of the spirit with truth (honesty). One item that should be mentioned is if you are working for an ungodly boss (which most people have at least once or twice in their career) God is monitoring the situation and there are limitations set in Gods heart which guard against you spending years in a bad situation. If there is much strife and division the work can not prosper, thus God will either move your ungodly boss out or He Will instruct you leave after your time is fulfilled. This means you will be there long enough to provide a good and positive witness of God so that The Lord Jesus Christ Himself can deal with the boss about doing what is right and if the ungodly boss hardens his/her heart The Lord will release you to go from that job once your season has ended (expired). On the other hand if God knows they are receiving something good from your testimony He Will have to stay in that job for a season until the boss (and possibly some workers) know how to communicate with God themselves. The key is don’t fear “unbelieving bosses” because God has got your back and your front and even your two sides. The Good Shepherd is always watching over the sheep to keep them free from all harm and fear. Just be mindful to act like God all day and everyday so your bright light will keep shining drawing men closer to our Loving Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. “Amen!”